Constricting blood flow by straining can make the blood vessels bulge and become irritated. This can cause pain, inflammation, and even rectal bleeding. Hemorrhoids are usually caused by straining during bowel movements, obesity, or pregnancy. It’s common to develop them throughout pregnancy because chronic constipation is often a common pregnancy symptom. Constantly straining to empty your bowels creates pressure in this region. It’s also common to experience hemorrhoids postpartum, especially after vaginal birth. The intense pushing and pressure on the perineum can strain the veins in the area causing them to expand with blood. There are two types of hemorrhoids: Internal hemorrhoids – are located inside the rectum so you don’t see or feel them. You often don’t experience pain because there aren’t many pain-sensing nerves in your inner rectum. External hemorrhoids – appear around the anus and are more visible and much more painful because you have more pain-sensing nerves in this area. Symptoms often include itching, bleeding, pain, and swelling. Though many times hemorrhoids go away on their own hemorrhoid treatments can also help accelerate healing. Stool softeners and over-the-counter topical creams can help relieve the itching, pain, and swelling. If you have internal hemorrhoids then suppositories may also be effective. In extreme cases, a surgical procedure may be needed to remove them. If your case is mild there are also lifestyle changes you can make to ease this condition:
Be sure to properly hydrate and drink enough water daily. This will help to keep your digestion regular. Increase your daily fiber intake by consuming more organic, whole foods such as leafy greens, vegetables, whole fruit, and nuts and seeds. (This is what yogis eat.) Invest in a squatty potty to help ease your bowel movements. Use essential oils to manage and prevent symptoms from occurring and accelerate healing.
Top MC Blends Pick Best Essential Oils for Hemorrhoids
Essential Oils As A Natural Remedy
If you’re looking for a natural solution and more home remedies then the use of essential oils (EOs) might prove helpful. Essential oils are highly concentrated plant compounds extracted from different parts of trees, plants, flowers, and fruits. The therapeutic application of these oils is known as aromatherapy. EOs have become increasingly popular in the health and wellness space due to their high content of active compounds that offer medicinal and healing effects. Research shows EOs can be effective at:
Boosting immunity Decreasing stress and anxiety Improving sleep Relieving pain and discomfort Soothing eczema and other skin conditions Treating colds, coughs, sinus infections, and sore throats Addressing allergy symptoms Soothing headaches and migraines
Just a few drops of EOs can be enough to boost and support your body’s own healing mechanisms.
The Best Essential Oils For The Treatment of Hemorrhoids
When choosing EOs for hemorrhoids you want to use oils that are known to have the following properties:
Anti-inflammatory (to reduce swelling) Antiseptic (to keep the affected area clean to prevent infection.) Analgesic ( to provide pain relief.)
Here are our top picks to treat hemorrhoids with EOs as natural remedies:
Tea tree oil
This native Australian oil boasts powerful anti-inflammatory properties. It’s also a potent antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, and antimicrobial agent. It can also help accelerate skin and wound healing. MC Top Pick
Not safe for babies under 6 months old Toxic if ingested (topical use only) May cause skin irritation (perform a patch test) Avoid contact with eyes and mucus membranes
Cypress oil
Highly anti-inflammatory and may also help shrink swollen blood vessels. MC Top Pick
Not safe for pregnant or breastfeeding mamas. Not safe for babies under 6 months of age. Avoid prolonged use. May cause skin irritation.
Peppermint oil
Peppermint’s main active ingredient, menthol, helps give a soothing and cooling sensation when applied topically. Peppermint is also a potent pain-reliever and local anesthetic. MC Top Pick
Not safe for babies and children under 6 years old Not safe for pregnant and breastfeeding mamas If you have high blood pressure May cause skin irritation (perform a patch test) Avoid contact with eyes and mucus membranes
Helichrysum oil
Helichrysum is a highly anti-inflammatory oil that can help slow or stop bleeding while accelerating wound healing. It also helps reduce pain and helps relieve nervous tension. MC Top Pick
Not safe for babies under 6 months old. May cause skin irritation. Avoid if you have an allergy to ragweed, daisies, and related plants.
Chamomile oil
This soothing oil helps relieve itchiness and swelling. It’s also known to be an analgesic and even anesthetic. It’s typically gentle enough to be used for sensitive skin types. MC Top Pick
No contraindications are known.
Frankincense oil
This oil can help speed up wound healing while boosting the immune system and keeping the affected area clean. MC Top Pick
Not suitable for children under 2 years of age.
Lavender oil
This calming oil is known to help accelerate wound healing, lower inflammation, and calm irritated skin. It’s typically gentle enough to be used for sensitive skin types. MC Top Pick
No contraindications are known. Don’t use in the first trimester of pregnancy. Don’t use it on infants under three months of age. Discontinue use if you experience an allergic reaction.
Clove oil
Clove is a powerful pain reliever that can soothe the affected area while helping to lower inflammation and irritation. MC Top Pick
Not safe for pregnant or breastfeeding mamas. Not safe for babies and children under 2 years of age. Avoid prolonged use. Don’t apply undiluted on skin. May cause skin irritation; perform a patch test.
Safety Concerns
When used safely and properly EOs usually offer little to no side effects. When used as natural treatments for hemorrhoids or when used topically for any condition EOs must always be diluted in a carrier oil in order to prevent skin irritations and reactions. This is especially true for sensitive skin types. If you experience any adverse reaction to any oil discontinue use immediately and consult your healthcare provider. You will also want to always choose high-quality, certified organic, and therapeutic grade products to avoid diluted batches and the addition of potentially harmful chemicals. Do not ingest EOs without the supervision of an experienced aromatherapist or without prior consultation with your doctor. If you’re pregnant or a nursing mama then make sure you check the safety and caution features above and steer clear of any contraindications as some essential oils, although effective, are not safe during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.
How To Use EOs for Hemorrhoid Relief
The most effective way to use EOs for hemorrhoid relief is to use them topically or in a sitz bath soak. Always remember to dilute your EOs in a carrier oil before applying topically. A general rule of thumb is to use 1 teaspoon of carrier oil per 1 drop of EO. Healing options for carrier oils include:
Coconut oil Jojoba oil Castor oil Almond oil
You may also use witch hazel in addition to the carrier oil. Witch hazel, which is commonly used in skincare to heal or clean skin, is an astringent, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral.
H-Rx Essential Oil Blend: A DIY Solution (Pregnancy & Breastfeeding Safe)
You can use the following two versions of this DIY blend to help soothe any pain and discomfort associated with hemorrhoids.
Sitz Bath
Find a large bowl you can sit in and put enough warm water to cover your anal area. Add the following:
2 drops of Frankincense oil 2 drops of Tea tree oil 2 drops of Lavender oil
Soak in the solution for a minimum of 5 minutes. Gently dry off with a towel and apply the topical ointment below. For best results do this twice a day – morning and evening.
Topical ointment
2 drops Tea tree oil 2 drop Helichrysum oil 2 drop Frankincense oil 2 drop Chamomile oil 2 teaspoons of Castor oil 1 teaspoon of Witch Hazel
Mix all ingredients together and apply gently to the affected area with a cotton bud or swab. Make sure the area is clean before applying. For best results use twice a day – morning and evening.
When used with caution and care, EOs can be an effective option for alleviating the pain and discomfort associated with hemorrhoids. They can also help accelerate or support the healing process. Though they usually offer little to no side effects skin irritation and adverse reactions may occur, especially with sensitive skin types. Always be sure to properly dilute your EOs when using topically. If your symptoms get worse or you’re experiencing high levels of pain consult with your healthcare provider before using EOs. If you experience any kind of skin irritation or adverse reaction to any oil discontinue use immediately.