But Avi has its limitation when it comes to using it on different devices as it is not a proper format but just a container of different files. It may not perform well on new devices like smartphones and smart tv. This is one reason why you need to convert your videos from avi to Mpeg. MPEG files have slightly lower-quality if compared to an avi file, because when avi is stored it’s in the container file. But MPEG is properly formatted and zipped in final output form. A lot of videos that target small devices like smartphones tend to have a video format of MPEG. Because it’s necessary to have a compatible video size on the device because smartphones have limited storage capacity. There is confusion among people about whether to add codex while converting from avi to mpeg this can become frustrating at times. That is the reason that today I will share with you the best software to convert your files without any hassles in just three simple steps. But before we start I would like you to know about the uniconvertor features.
Why you should choose uniconvertor:
It’s super simple and doesn’t require any technicality. Offer customization options for editing while converting. Option to preview your edits without converting. Different templates are available for DVD. Free video access of more than 10,000 sites. Supported for almost all devices Superfast speed of converting files. Uniconvertor is not limited to avi to mpeg
but gives you access to convert a dozen different types of platforms.
How To Convert Avi to Mpeg:
Even with a lot of increase in smartphone storage in the last few years, they are still quite low compared to a desktop or laptop. To meet the length of the video and also not exceed the size limit MPEG comes very handy for portable devices.
1) Load your avi files on the uniconverter:
Open your uniconvertor from your pc and you’ll see add files button on the upper left corner of the software. There you need to select all the files you want to convert.
2) Edit your videos if needed:
The uniconverter has an excellent customization option which allows you to edit all the videos which you have imported. You can crop and clip or merge different videos in the customization section. There will also be an option for preview so you don’t have to brainstorm about trying different styles in your editing.
3) Convert the AVI files to MPEG:
When you are done with editing there is just one last step before you convert your video into mpeg format. You have to click on the convert button on the software and then let uniconvertor do all your work. It will show a progress bar that you can monitor to understand how much time it will take for the completion of your file. Then you will find the converted file in the folder which you have set up during installation.