Secondly, you can lodge a Change in Circumstances request. Circumstances can often change, including your condition or living arrangement. Following these, you or anyone in your support network can submit a ‘Change in Circumstances’ form with the NDIA. If this request is approved, your plan may be reviewed for customisation to your needs. Lastly is a review of a planning decision. Whenever you think or feel that a decision about your plan was wrong, you can always request an internal review.

What can you expect from the plan review?

Plan reviews allow you to accommodate your changing needs and capacities with new or modified supports. It involves contemplating what has worked and not worked well in your plan. A well-done review can ensure you get optimum benefits from the plan. Adjusting the logistics of your plan is also an option. It includes changing the management of the plan funds. You probably know it, but there are three choices for managing your NDIS plan. You can use the services of an NDIS plan manager who oversees your billing and budgets. Other options include being agency-managed by the NDIA or self-management. Choose any of these options; remember, you can change them whenever you wish. Think that your situation is not likely to change? You can request to have a plan running for 12 months if the funding serves you right. The maximum period available is three years. The aim is to lengthen the time between plan reviews, with the option of submitting the Change of Circumstances request when needed.

What should you contemplate leading up to the plan review?

Your level of preparedness means the difference between the approval or disapproval of the changes you need. Also, remember that evidence is key to the approval of additional funding. Do you have your plan review soon? The following questions ensure you are ready.

What worked and didn’t work so well? Will you still require NDIS support in the predictable future? Do you wish to change your plan funding management? Have you noticed any progress toward achieving your NDIS plan goals? Have you changed your mind concerning any of the NDIS plan goals? What services could help you attain your NDIS plan goals? Wish to ask any questions about your plan?

If you look forward to a lengthy discussion, it may be helpful to jot down some notes for the plan review. A Support Coordinator or a Psychosocial Recovery Coach can use their NDIS knowledge and expertise to assist you in developing the appropriate answers to the questions.

What should you bring to the plan review?

Gather reports and evidence from various providers who have initially worked with you on your NDIS plan objectives, so they can also be included in your next plan. It proves to the NDIS that you are benefiting from the plan and funding, and continuing with the plan is probably best. Remember that you can come along with anyone in your support network, including your career, family member, friend, support worker, support coordinator, psychosocial recovery coach, or advocate.


It’s essential to take the time to prepare for your plan review at length. You can seek the help of professionals, such as the Psychosocial Recovery Coach or Support Coordinators, to optimise your plan review. Their NDIS expertise and experience will enable you to formulate reasonable arguments that will boost the chances of approval.

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